• Question about makenl.ctl

    From Flavio Bessa@4:801/188 to All on Thu May 16 11:45:28 2024

    I am going through the .ctl file configuration, but I am stuck now at the final section of the file:

    ; Your region source data goes here.


    Node <nbr> <explicit file name> ; node files must precede any network files Node <nbr> <explicit file name> ; (unless it is your intent to move an
    ; independant node into someone's net on

    ; on the sly)

    Net <nbr> <file name> ; either generic or explicit file name, but must
    Net <nbr> <file name> ; match convention used by Net.
    Net <nbr> <file name> <notification address> ; if not "net/0"
    Net <nbr> <file name>
    ; etc.

    Would anyone have any examples that I could find? This is to automate the maintenance of my R80.


    ... Operator, give me the number for 911

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (macOS/64)
    * Origin: Saturn's Orbit BBS - Back from the ashes (4:801/188)
  • From Vincent Coen@2:250/1 to Flavio Bessa on Thu May 16 21:39:32 2024
    Hello Flavio!

    Thursday May 16 2024 11:45, you wrote to All:

    This for 2:25, 250 and 263

    LOGFile region25.log
    LOGlevel 1

    ; MakeNL - control file for Region 25, submission nodelist

    Make region 25

    outfile region25 ; use generic name for output file

    ; process tuesday ; if altering these change crontab as well
    process wednesday

    ; master master
    outpath outbound/

    ; master region ; where master files reside (default - current)
    ; update update ; where to save received files 'till processing
    ; mailfiles inbound ; where mail server places received files
    ; uploads uploads ; where BBS places uploaded files (if needed)
    ; badfiles bad ; optional "waste can" for files with fatal errors messages netmail

    notify errors crash ; notify of errors (CRASH optional) and/or
    notify receipt ; use either of these or both with different
    notify self ; attributes.

    FORcesubmit 1
    ALLOWUnpub 1
    NAME Fidonet

    submit 2:292/854 INTL

    netaddress 2:25/0 ; your network address here

    data Region,25,United_Kingdom_&_Ireland,United_Kingdom_&_Ireland,Vince_Coen,-Unpubli shed-,300,CM,XA,INA:applewoodbbs.linkpc.net,IBN,U,REC

    ; Host,250,British_Net,United_Kingdom_&_Ireland,Vince_Coen,-Unpublished-,300,CM,X A,INA:applewoodbbs.linkpc.net,IBN

    etc for nodes in 250...

    ; Host,263,Ireland(EIRE)_Net,Hatfield_Hertfordshire_UK,Vince_Coen,-Unpublished-,3 00,CM,XA,IFT,INA:applewoodbbs.linkpc.net,IBN

    etc for nodes in 263



    I am going through the .ctl file configuration, but I am stuck now at
    the final section of the file:

    ; Your region source data goes here.


    Node <nbr> <explicit file name> ; node files must precede any network
    files Node <nbr> <explicit file name> ; (unless it is your intent to
    move an
    ; independant node into someone's net

    ; on the sly)

    Net <nbr> <file name> ; either generic or explicit file name, but
    must Net <nbr> <file name> ; match convention used by Net. Net
    <nbr> <file name> <notification address> ; if not "net/0" Net <nbr>
    <file name> ; etc.

    Would anyone have any examples that I could find? This is to automate
    the maintenance of my R80.


    ... Operator, give me the number for 911


    --- Mageia Linux v8 X64/Mbse v1.0.8.6/GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to Flavio Bessa on Fri May 17 00:39:04 2024
    Would anyone have any examples that I could find? This is to automate the maintenance of my R80.

    So now it's a handjob?


    --- DB4 - 20230201
    * Origin: May the Source be with you (2:292/854)
  • From Nicholas Boel@1:154/10 to Flavio Bessa on Thu May 16 18:38:26 2024
    On Thu, 16 May 2024 16:45:28 -0300, Flavio Bessa -> All wrote:

    I am going through the .ctl file configuration, but I am stuck now at
    the final section of the file:

    ; Your region source data goes here.

    Under data, that would be your RC entry for the nodelist.

    Node <nbr> <explicit file name> ; node files must precede any network files
    Node <nbr> <explicit file name> ; (unless it is your intent to move an
    ; independant node into someone's net on
    ; on the sly)

    These would be your RIN nodes.

    Net <nbr> <file name> ; either generic or explicit file name, but must Net <nbr> <file name> ; match convention used by Net.
    Net <nbr> <file name> <notification address> ; if not "net/0"
    Net <nbr> <file name>
    ; etc.

    These are your nets. The <file name> would basically be an include file if you get net segments sent to you, or even if you keep your nets in separate files.

    Would anyone have any examples that I could find? This is to automate
    the maintenance of my R80.




    net 104 net104.txt
    net 114 net114.txt
    net 120 net120.txt
    net 128 net128.txt
    net 154 net154.txt
    net 220 net220.txt
    net 226 net226.txt
    net 227 net227.txt
    net 2320 net2320.txt

    There is a fairly plain example. I have NCs who send their segments to me as the filenames listed above. When they're detected in my inbound by binkd, they're moved to the "received" directory for makenl, and with the above settings makenl will know to process those files if they reside in the 'received' directory.

    Once makenl is done, the 'data' line, along with all of the files below the 'files' line are appended together into one file, region11.xxx.

    Hope that helps!


    ... Take my advice, I don't use it anyway.
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:115.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderb
    * Origin: _thePharcyde distribution system (Wisconsin) (1:154/10)
  • From Kees van Eeten@2:280/5003.4 to Flavio Bessa on Fri May 17 16:03:44 2024
    Hello Flavio!

    16 May 24 11:45, you wrote to All:


    I am going through the .ctl file configuration, but I am stuck now at the final section of the file:

    ; Your region source data goes here.

    If you have a large region you can make it as sophisticated as you like.

    But there is also the KISS principle. You have a Region with one Net and
    maintain both. There are two easy solutions:


    make region 80 region80.000 ;"master data file", No input data
    ; is below.

    Copy your region from a current nodelist to master/region80.000
    the name of the file is irrellevant but should comply with the line above.
    You apply changes in your segment to this file.


    make region 80


    ; Your source data goes here.



    Copy your region segment from a recent nodelist here.

    You apply changes to your region in the CTL file.

    Including Net files is only usefull when the are multiple nets maintained
    by others

    Just my 2 cents


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5--b20180707
    * Origin: As for me, all I know is that, I know nothing. (2:280/5003.4)
  • From Carol Shenkenberger@1:275/100 to Ward Dossche on Fri May 17 16:24:20 2024
    Re: Re: Question about makenl.ctl
    By: Ward Dossche to Flavio Bessa on Fri May 17 2024 12:39 am

    Would anyone have any examples that I could find? This is to automate th maintenance of my R80.

    So now it's a handjob?


    No. Some folks have non-functional NCs though and have to it that way.

    Proper would me (made up data)

    NET100 NET100.*
    NET200 NET200.*


    Oh and if they don't use the expected filename, you use the optional filemask. --- SBBSecho 2.11-Win32
    * Origin: telnet://shenks.synchro.net Virginia Beach, VA (1:275/100)
  • From Carol Shenkenberger@1:275/100 to Ward Dossche on Fri May 17 16:26:08 2024
    Re: Re: Question about makenl.ctl
    By: Carol Shenkenberger to Ward Dossche on Fri May 17 2024 04:24 pm

    Re: Re: Question about makenl.ctl
    By: Ward Dossche to Flavio Bessa on Fri May 17 2024 12:39 am

    Would anyone have any examples that I could find? This is to automate maintenance of my R80.

    So now it's a handjob?


    No. Some folks have non-functional NCs though and have to it that way.

    Proper would me (made up data)

    NET100 NET100.*
    NET200 NET200.*


    Oh and if they don't use the expected filename, you use the optional filemas

    Typo, missing space. Sorry all.
    --- SBBSecho 2.11-Win32
    * Origin: telnet://shenks.synchro.net Virginia Beach, VA (1:275/100)
  • From Flavio Bessa@4:801/188 to Ward Dossche on Mon May 20 13:36:48 2024
    On 17 May 2024, Ward Dossche said the following...

    So now it's a handjob?

    It has always been, I have never dug up into MakeNL before :)

    ... This virus requires Microsoft Windows 3.x

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (macOS/64)
    * Origin: Saturn's Orbit BBS - Back from the ashes (4:801/188)
  • From Nick Andre@1:229/426 to Flavio Bessa on Tue May 21 16:55:08 2024
    On 20 May 24 13:36:48, Flavio Bessa said the following to Ward Dossche:

    So now it's a handjob?

    It has always been, I have never dug up into MakeNL before :)

    You don't need MakeNL for a handjob...


    --- Renegade vY2Ka2
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to Nick Andre on Wed May 22 19:31:52 2024
    So now it's a handjob?

    It has always been, I have never dug up into MakeNL before :)

    You don't need MakeNL for a handjob...

    Finally ... 8-D

    --- DB4 - 20230201
    * Origin: May the Source be with you (2:292/854)