• Synchronet configuration for fsxnet features

    From smooth0401@21:1/234 to ALL on Tue Jul 30 19:13:26 2024

    Hey everyone, I figured I'd post this here rather than continue on the DOVE-NET forums seeing that we're all FSX users over here. :)

    I run a Synchronet BBS and it looks like I have the message bases working fine but there's a few things I need some help with.

    I'm able to send netmail direct to avon at the 21:1/100 address, but my routing doesn't seem to work. I did get some info off DOVE-NET for this one. Here's my config:

    Address 21:1/100
    Domain fsxnet
    Name Paul Hayton
    Comment fsxNet coordinator
    Archive Type ZIP
    Packet Type 2+
    Packet Password
    Session Password xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    TIC File Password
    AreaFix Support Yes
    AreaFix Password xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    EchoList Keys
    Status Normal
    Direct Yes
    Passive No
    Send Notify List No
    Uplink for Message Groups fsxNet
    Local Address (AKA) Best Match
    Route To
    Inbox Directory
    Outbox Directory
    BinkP Settings...


    Address 21:ALL
    Domain fsxnet
    Comment everyone in zone 21
    Archive Type None
    Packet Type 2+
    Packet Password
    Session Password
    TIC File Password
    AreaFix Support No
    AreaFix Password
    EchoList Keys
    Status Normal
    Direct No
    Passive No
    Send Notify List No
    Uplink for Message Groups
    Local Address (AKA) Best Match
    Route To 21:1/100



    Name fsxnet
    Zones 21
    DNS Suffix fsxnet.nz
    Outbound Root ../fido/outbound

    I figured if I tried to send netmail to someone, it'd route through 21:1/100, but it still tried to send direct:

    7/18 10:30:54a BINKOUT Attempting callout for 21:2/116@fsxnet, file: C:\sbbs\fido\outbound.015\00020074.cut
    7/18 10:30:54a BINKOUT JSBinkP/4 callout to 21:2/116@fsxnet started
    7/18 10:30:54a BINKOUT connecting to 21:2/116@fsxnet at undefined
    7/18 10:30:54a BINKOUT Connecting to 21:2/116@fsxnet at f116.n2.z21.fsxnet.nz:24554
    7/18 10:31:05a BINKOUT Connection to f116.n2.z21.fsxnet.nz:24554 failed (Error: Unable to connect).
    7/18 10:31:05a BINKOUT Unlocking C:\sbbs\fido\outbound.015\00020074.bsy.
    7/18 10:31:05a BINKOUT No flow files to be processed.
    7/18 10:31:05a BINKOUT Done checking in C:\sbbs\fido\outbound.015\.

    Next is the file areas. I thought I had everything figured out because I did get the nodelist and info pack files, but nothing else seems to be updating. (all other file areas are 0) I made sure I added them via the filefix@21:1/100 and they come back linked.

    I ran the jsexec tickitcfg.js and set the per-area configs, and set them like this:

    AKA Matching Yes
    Force Replace No
    Source Address 21:1/234@fsxnet (this is my address)
    Uploader Name
    Location fsx_arts (this is mapped via the synchronet folder option)
    -> under links I have 21:1/100 set

    I tried manually running the TICKFIX and TICKIT timed events. They just return code 0. Would love it if I can sync up with someone maybe with some screenshots or something to compare configs. Once that gets worked out, I'd love to get the interbbs stuff working!

    Thanks for any assistance!
    --rob aka smooth0401
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: Rise n' Shine BBS - risenshinebbs.com (21:1/234)
  • From Avon@21:1/101 to smooth0401 on Wed Jul 31 13:58:50 2024
    On 30 Jul 2024 at 07:13p, smooth0401 pondered and said...

    7/18 10:30:54a BINKOUT Attempting callout for 21:2/116@fsxnet, file: C:\sbbs\fido\outbound.015\00020074.cut
    7/18 10:30:54a BINKOUT JSBinkP/4 callout to 21:2/116@fsxnet started
    7/18 10:30:54a BINKOUT connecting to 21:2/116@fsxnet at undefined
    7/18 10:30:54a BINKOUT Connecting to 21:2/116@fsxnet at f116.n2.z21.fsxnet.nz:24554
    7/18 10:31:05a BINKOUT Connection to f116.n2.z21.fsxnet.nz:24554 failed (Error: Unable to connect).

    Rob I think this fail to connect may be related to the fsxnet.nz DNS failing at the time you polled. I have had a power cut (planned) at my home and that shuttered the DNS server I run. I have another planned (and hopefully final) power cut due to occur tonight my time for approx 24 hours.

    I'm downing my systems as I am having an electrician coming in to do a chunk of wiring while I am work tomorrow...

    All of which is to say this may be the cause of this aspect of your issues but for the wider Synchronet stuff I'm not sure.

    Kerr Avon [Blake's 7] 'I'm not expendable, I'm not stupid and I'm not going' avon[at]bbs.nz | bbs.nz | fsxnet.nz

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Agency BBS | Dunedin, New Zealand | agency.bbs.nz (21:1/101)
  • From smooth0401@21:1/183 to Avon on Tue Jul 30 19:26:48 2024
    Ah, that's right, I do remember saying you were having power issues on that first poll; I don't think I've re-tried since then (July 18th) I hope your power issues get fixed up; those are definitely not fun at all! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! I'll give the netmail test another go in a few days.

    On the Synchronet side, if there are any sysops out there that have a few minutes to spare... I'd love to hear from you! :)

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (21:1/183)
  • From Vorlon@21:1/195 to smooth0401 on Wed Jul 31 13:17:48 2024

    Hello smooth0401!

    30 Jul 24 19:13, you wrote to all:

    Address 21:1/100
    Domain fsxnet
    Name Paul Hayton
    Comment fsxNet coordinator
    Archive Type ZIP
    Packet Type 2+
    Packet Password
    Session Password xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    TIC File Password
    AreaFix Support Yes
    AreaFix Password xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    EchoList Keys
    Status Normal
    Direct Yes
    Passive No
    Send Notify List No
    Uplink for Message Groups fsxNet
    Local Address (AKA) Best Match
    Route To
    Inbox Directory
    Outbox Directory
    BinkP Settings...


    Address 21:ALL
    Domain fsxnet
    Comment everyone in zone 21
    Archive Type None
    Packet Type 2+
    Packet Password
    Session Password
    TIC File Password
    AreaFix Support No
    AreaFix Password
    EchoList Keys
    Status Normal
    Direct No
    Passive No
    Send Notify List No
    Uplink for Message Groups
    Local Address (AKA) Best Match
    Route To 21:1/100

    I'm not a sync user, but in your local address (aka) you have them set to best match. I would have thought that they should be set to "your"
    fsxnet address. You also have in the "uplink for message group" set to fsxnet, should that not be 21:1/100?


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240302
    * Origin: Dragon's Lair ---:- dragon.vk3heg.net -:--- Prt: 6800 (21:1/195)
  • From smooth0401@21:1/234 to Vorlon on Wed Jul 31 09:50:25 2024
    Hey Vorlon,

    For the Uplink for Message Groups option, it's actually asking to specify the "Message Group (short name)" from the message area config. Here's the help text:

    Uplink for Message Groups

    These are Message Group short names (as configured in SCFG) for which this linked node is your system's uplink (hub).

    Use of this setting allows your hub to be automatically linked with new areas when new Sub-boards (within a listed group) are auto-added to the Area File.

    So that does match up with what I have... the routing is still a bit of a mystery. I originally did have the route to option specified under the 21:1/100 entry, which was wrong. Here's what I was previously told on the synchronet forums in DOVE-NET:

    No, because you have linked node entry for 21:2/116, so the 21:2/ALL node won't be matched against. And your 21:2/116 inked node is configured to *not* route. When looking for an outbound node configuration, a "best match" search is performed and since you have an exact-match node configured, that's the node config that will be used.

    I believe I cleared that loop up, but still isn't playing nice...

    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: Rise n' Shine BBS - risenshinebbs.com (21:1/234)
  • From Dumas Walker@21:1/175 to smooth0401 on Thu Aug 1 08:28:12 2024
    Address 21:1/100
    Domain fsxnet
    Name Paul Hayton
    Comment fsxNet coordinator
    Archive Type ZIP
    Packet Type 2+
    Packet Password
    Session Password xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    TIC File Password
    AreaFix Support Yes
    AreaFix Password xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    EchoList Keys
    Status Normal
    Direct Yes
    Passive No
    Send Notify List No
    Uplink for Message Groups fsxNet

    The "fsxnet" string should be your Echolist Keys, not here. I have this field as empty on my entry for 21:1/100. I also have "Direct" set to "No."

    Local Address (AKA) Best Match
    Route To
    Inbox Directory
    Outbox Directory
    BinkP Settings...

    I have "Route to" set to "Disabled" for 21:1/100.


    Address 21:ALL
    Domain fsxnet
    Comment everyone in zone 21
    Archive Type None
    Packet Type 2+
    Packet Password
    Session Password
    TIC File Password
    AreaFix Support No
    AreaFix Password
    EchoList Keys
    Status Normal
    Direct No
    Passive No
    Send Notify List No
    Uplink for Message Groups
    Local Address (AKA) Best Match
    Route To 21:1/100

    Mine appears to match yours for 21:ALL.


    Name fsxnet
    Zones 21
    DNS Suffix fsxnet.nz
    Outbound Root ../fido/outbound

    This entry also matches mine, but please note that you have "fsxnet" here, but "fsxNet" above. Case could matter.

    I tried manually running the TICKFIX and TICKIT timed events. They just return
    code 0. Would love it if I can sync up with someone maybe with some screenshots or something to compare configs. Once that gets worked out, I'd love to get the interbbs stuff working!

    I am not 100% on how these work. I would ask about them in the synchronet echos or on the synchronet irc - irc.synchro.net:6667.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (21:1/175)
  • From smooth0401@21:1/234 to Dumas Walker on Thu Aug 1 13:00:30 2024
    Re: Synchronet configuration for fsxnet features
    By: Dumas Walker to smooth0401 on Thu Aug 01 2024 08:28 am

    Thanks for the tips, I'll give it a whirl!

    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: Rise n' Shine BBS - risenshinebbs.com (21:1/234)
  • From smooth0401@21:1/234 to Dumas Walker on Thu Aug 1 15:09:17 2024

    Hey all!

    I noticed one of the screengrabs I posted was prior to making some of the suggested changes, so, at this point, I think... good news! I saw that I had received a new NASA picture in the Image section this morning, so it looks like new files are coming in...

    I also tried a filefix request to %resend GALLERY.ZIP FSX_DOOR and it successfully sent the file and tossed it automatically into the Doors section. Excellent!

    Dumas, I sent you a test netmail, so I guess that's the last piece of this puzzle... it "looks" like it sent, so we'll see if you see it or not. I just wanted to say how much I appreciate all the help from everyone! BBS-peeps are the best. :)

    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: Rise n' Shine BBS - risenshinebbs.com (21:1/234)