• Enhanced Risk Plains

    From Dumas Walker@21:1/175 to All on Fri May 24 08:27:00 2024
    ACUS01 KWNS 241256
    SPC AC 241255

    Day 1 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0755 AM CDT Fri May 24 2024

    Valid 241300Z - 251200Z


    Enhanced threat corridors exist for severe thunderstorm gusts this
    morning from eastern Iowa over northern Illinois, and hail (some
    very large) this afternoon and evening from eastern Oklahoma to
    north Texas.

    In mid/upper levels, a progressive shortwave train should continue
    within a belt of mostly westerly flow aloft over the CONUS. The
    strongest of these shortwave troughs is evident in moisture-channel
    imagery over the northern Great Plains, with an embedded 500-mb low
    over northwestern SD. The low should follow a cyclonically curving,
    net northeastward path to the northeastern corner of ND by 00Z, with
    trough roughly southward along the western border of MN then over
    eastern NE. By 12Z tomorrow, the CONUS part of the trough should
    arc from western Lake Superior across eastern WI and northern IL.
    Over the Southeast, a broad area of difluent mid/upper flow is
    expected, with numerous embedded vorticity lobes (some convectively
    generated or enhanced). Fairly unperturbed west-southwesterly flow
    is expected from the Arklatex region across the southern Plains and
    Desert Southwest, downstream from a trough off coastal CA.

    The surface analysis at 11Z showed a low over southeastern ND, with occluded/cold front arching across southwestern MN, western IA,
    east-central KS, west-central OK, TX between PVW-LBB, and
    northeastern NM. A warm front was drawn from the leading edge of a
    severe MCS over eastern IA, southeastward across central IL. The
    low should occlude and shift northward over southeastern MB through
    the period. By 00Z, the frontal triple point should reach southern
    WI, with cold front across western IL, southwestern MO, southeastern
    OK and north-central to west-central TX, becoming a warm front over east-central/northeastern NM. The warm front will move
    northeastward to southern WI and southwestern Lower MI, though its
    definition may be compromised by the effects of MCS activity. A
    dryline was apparent from its frontal intersection over northwest TX south-southwestward to the Big Bend region. This boundary will mix
    eastward today while the front overtakes it from the north, and
    should reach the eastern Edwards Plateau/western Hill Country by
    late afternoon.

    ...Southern Plains to Mid-South...
    Scattered thunderstorms -- including supercells -- are expected to
    develop near the front this afternoon, to the east and northeast of
    the dryline. Dryline storm-initiation potential is more conditional
    and isolated. Once development occurs, updraft growth and storm
    evolution may occur very rapidly, given the strong surface heating,
    abundant moisture (70s F dewpoints common), steep deep-layer lapse
    rates and intense buoyancy (4000-5000 J/kg MLCAPE) that should

    Low-level flow and hodograph size will be modest, amidst a lack of
    substantial mid/upper-level perturbations to force greater mass
    response. However, ambient mid/upper winds will be strong enough to
    support supercells (left- and right-moving), with effective-shear
    values near 50 kt. Large to very large hail should be common in the
    first few hours after initiation, and locally severe gusts are
    expected as well. Airmass recovery is possible into southeastern
    and east-central OK in the zone of warm/moist advection ahead of the
    front, and behind last night's southeastern OK activity. A
    relatively dense and enhanced concentration of hail potential from
    eastern OK into north-central TX is expected, with hailstones
    greater than 2 inches in diameter likely, and some hail perhaps
    exceeding 3 inches. Otherwise, deep, precip-loaded downdrafts will
    provide most of the wind potential early, with some upscale
    clustering and cold-pool aggregation possible to maintain damaging-
    wind potential into late evening, before activity generally weakens.

    Enhanced potential for severe gusts, along with a risk of a few
    brief/embedded tornadoes, may persist for a few more hours with an
    ongoing complex of thunderstorms crossing portions of eastern IA and
    northern MO, as this activity moves into IL and perhaps southern WI.
    A well-developed rear-inflow jet of 60-80 kt has been sampled by DMX
    radar VAD wind profiles. The northern part of the complex is
    expected to weaken as it penetrates deeper into the cool sector
    (north of the warm front), while the middle part may persist for
    several hours near the front and across IL. See SPC Severe
    Thunderstorm Watch 300-301 and related mesoscale discussions for
    near-term details.

    The outflow boundary from this complex was analyzed ahead of the
    cold front across parts of northwestern MO into northeastern KS, and
    should be laid down through the remainder of the morning across the
    rest of northern MO and parts of northern IL. Given the deep and well-organized nature of its cold pool, severe probabilities may be
    more associated with the present activity. Later development
    becomes more doubtful with northward extent from the boundary, which
    may retreat somewhat northward into southeastern IA and toward the
    WI/IL line later this afternoon, prior to frontal passage.
    Probabilities mainly reflect the ongoing hazard, however, given
    great uncertainties regarding airmass recovery behind it.

    Farther southwest along/ahead of the front, widely scattered to
    scattered afternoon thunderstorms are possible, offering damaging
    gusts and large hail, as well as marginal tornado potential. A
    substantial uncertainty regarding airmass recovery also is present
    in this regime, because of trajectories emanating from a pronounced
    theta-e deficit in AR and eastern OK produced by prior overnight
    convection. A narrow corridor of sufficient boundary-layer moisture
    to support 2500-3500 J/kg MLCAPE may develop just ahead of the
    front. Some relative flow weaknesses progged in parts of the
    mid/upper troposphere may render somewhat messy storm structures
    after early supercell mode. Still, any storm(s) interacting with
    the outflow boundary will have locally greater potential for
    supercell longevity, and some risk for large to significant hail and
    a tornado.

    ..Edwards/Goss.. 05/24/2024

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