• ESP-32

    From TheNerd@954:895/64 to All on Sun May 12 16:43:52 2024
    Anyone else there like playing with these things? I'm sure I can do more with them but sofar I use D1 Mini's for temp/humidity sensors. It originally started as a way to monitor my grow tent and now I have a few around the house pumping data into a piece of software called EmonCMS. Ultimately a JSON database system that makes graphs and shows dials. Its ugly as hell but it works. I need to buff up my programming skills and do something with Graphus and my own database.

    These things are fun though. Its basically a dual core microcontroller that has its own programming languge but also wil do the Arduino environment as well. It allows you to run a simple loop on one processor and toss tasks out to the other processor. I can see it being pretty cool for realtime stuff. Mine just runs every 30 seconds or so.

    -- NerdRage BBS - SysOp: TheNerd
    -- telnet: nerdragebbs.ddns.net

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  • From SirRonmit@954:895/45 to TheNerd on Mon May 13 08:03:36 2024
    Those seems reasonable. I have like 8 Rasp Pis around my place (weather station, cameras, etc.etc.etc.) but one of the engineers I work with got me an Arduino Micro to play with.

    What I didn't like about the Micro, is that you had to compile everything just to run something - and I typo a LOT and it causes issues for me there.

    Thanks, though, I sent the link to an engineer I work with because I think he has played around with the ESP-32s a bit, maybe not.

    I design Circuit Boards and CAD drawings at my new place of work. So I get to see a lot of neat new things and play around.

    Timothy Norris aka SirRonmit
    bbs.f4fbbs.com:2323 or :62323

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Files 4 Fun BBS (954:895/45)
  • From Mike Powell@954:895/54 to THENERD on Mon May 13 08:38:00 2024
    Anyone else there like playing with these things? I'm sure I can do more wit
    them but sofar I use D1 Mini's for temp/humidity sensors.

    In past I have enjoyed watching videos of people doing things like this but
    it is a little above my head, I hate to admit. ;)

    Mike P

    * SLMR 2.1a * A part of the 57% that -didn't- vote for Clinton. Twice.
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  • From TheNerd@954:895/64 to SirRonmit on Mon May 13 18:21:51 2024
    Those seems reasonable. I have like 8 Rasp Pis around my place (weather station, cameras, etc.etc.etc.) but one of the engineers I work with got me an Arduino Micro to play with.

    I have a Pi on my 3D printer but I haven't done much more with them. I really should get one of those pico's and play with it sometime.

    What I didn't like about the Micro, is that you had to compile
    everything just to run something - and I typo a LOT and it causes issues for me there.

    Yeah.. esp-32s are like that too.. task specific code, recompile and upload for each change. Its annoying sometimes but when you are in a coding zone you don't even notice...

    I design Circuit Boards and CAD drawings at my new place of work. So I
    get to see a lot of neat new things and play around.

    Oooo... now the circuit board design is interesting to me. I'm guessing you use something like Eagle or Fusion 360? I think we'd need another lockdown for me to be able to spend the time to learn all of that.

    -- NerdRage BBS - SysOp: TheNerd
    -- telnet: nerdragebbs.ddns.net

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    * Origin: NerdRage BBS -.- telnet: nerdragebbs.ddns.net (954:895/64)
  • From TheNerd@954:895/64 to Mike Powell on Mon May 13 18:26:55 2024
    In past I have enjoyed watching videos of people doing things like this but it is a little above my head, I hate to admit. ;)

    The bulk of the learning curve is the programming. I don't really have a programming background.. its always been more of a self taught figure it out as you go kind of thing. I do everything in what feels like C to me.. which is referred to Arduino programming a lot from what I see. There is a guy named "Paul McWhorter" on youtube that has some really great tutorials for people with no knowledge but a will to learn. His whole youtube schtick is teaching microcontroller programming and small PC's like Pi's and Jepsons...

    Admittedly I discovered him after I started learning so I found his stuff slow for me to figure out.. plus he has an iced coffee fetish thing at the beginning of all his videos that always urked me lol. But he is still a very good creator in this space and my irritation with him is not rational lol.

    -- NerdRage BBS - SysOp: TheNerd
    -- telnet: nerdragebbs.ddns.net

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: NerdRage BBS -.- telnet: nerdragebbs.ddns.net (954:895/64)
  • From Mike Powell@954:895/54 to THENERD on Tue May 14 08:37:00 2024
    is referred to Arduino programming a lot from what I see. There is a guy name
    "Paul McWhorter" on youtube that has some really great tutorials for people with no knowledge but a will to learn. His whole youtube schtick is teaching microcontroller programming and small PC's like Pi's and Jepsons...

    Thanks, I will check his channel out!


    * SLMR 2.1a * I am Popeye of Borg. Prepare to be askimilgrated.
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (954:895/54)
  • From SirRonmit@954:895/45 to TheNerd on Tue May 14 14:13:13 2024
    Yeah.. esp-32s are like that too.. task specific code, recompile and upload for each change. Its annoying sometimes but when you are in a coding zone you don't even notice...

    The funnest thing I did besides the weather station, gaming console, etc., was make a little circuit and attach it to my DSLR during a solar eclipse. I attached some old welder's visor to the end of the lens and used the pi to remotely take photos .. what a neat project.

    Oooo... now the circuit board design is interesting to me. I'm
    guessing you use something like Eagle or Fusion 360? I think we'd need another lockdown for me to be able to spend the time to learn all of

    No, we are currently using Cadence OrCAD and Siemens PADS.

    Lol - I was working at a local dealership as a mechanic/technician during the lockdown - I wish I was working here because I would have been able to work from home and still get paid.

    Timothy Norris aka SirRonmit
    bbs.f4fbbs.com:2323 or :62323

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Files 4 Fun BBS (954:895/45)
  • From TheNerd@954:895/64 to SirRonmit on Tue May 14 18:13:53 2024
    The funnest thing I did besides the weather station, gaming console,
    etc., was make a little circuit and attach it to my DSLR during a solar eclipse. I attached some old welder's visor to the end of the lens and used the pi to remotely take photos .. what a neat project.

    I've really only just done sensors.. temp, humidity, moisture, light. I'm probably going to do a robot soon.. nothing major.. just a line follower or maybe a spider. The biggest thing I did is basically the 3D printer. I learned a lot by building my own mostly from scratch.

    No, we are currently using Cadence OrCAD and Siemens PADS.

    Kinda figured you'd be using something more industrial and unknown to me ;)

    Lol - I was working at a local dealership as a mechanic/technician
    during the lockdown - I wish I was working here because I would have
    been able to work from home and still get paid.

    I've always been in IT. My partner is in healthcare.. so I stayed home, she worked. I still made money from home though so it all worked out in the end. But as a result.. I had a couple months vacation to obsess over something because I couldn't leave the house to do other things. It was a gift in disguise.

    -- NerdRage BBS - SysOp: TheNerd
    -- telnet: nerdragebbs.ddns.net

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: NerdRage BBS -.- telnet: nerdragebbs.ddns.net (954:895/64)
  • From SirRonmit@954:895/45 to TheNerd on Wed May 15 08:20:56 2024
    I've really only just done sensors.. temp, humidity, moisture, light. I'm probably going to do a robot soon.. nothing major.. just a line follower or maybe a spider. The biggest thing I did is basically the 3D printer. I learned a lot by building my own mostly from scratch.

    Engineer at work is going to use one for the Bluetooth connectivity to tie into his pellet grill for temp readings. That'll be neat (new grills have bluetooth if you want it, but what is the point when you can make one and learn yourself) LOL

    Kinda figured you'd be using something more industrial and unknown to me ;)

    Just something they've been using for years. If I find something that ties between the designer/developer engineer and the PCB process, they would look at testing that. So if you have suggestions, lemme know. My 3D printer gurus all use either Fusion360 or SolidEdge.

    I've always been in IT. My partner is in healthcare.. so I stayed
    home, she worked. I still made money from home though so it all worked out in the end. But as a result.. I had a couple months vacation to obsess over something because I couldn't leave the house to do other things. It was a gift in disguise.

    I was IT for decades myself and it paid well, but I hated the hours and on-calls, etc. I should not have worked at the dealership, but I had schooling years ago and decided to try to use it. However, just like a college loan, I'm, still paying off my tools bill.
    Now I'm 8-4:30 and enjoy where I work. I get to play around with stuff and repair and do things when I have down time. Fun stuff.

    Timothy Norris aka SirRonmit
    bbs.f4fbbs.com:2323 or :62323

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Files 4 Fun BBS (954:895/45)