My wife and I played the organ for a local Stained Glass Show yesterday and today. We played on behalf of our local Organ and Keyboard Club,
and we had a ball!
Long time amateur radio operator, Bob Heil, K9EID...who invented the Heil Microphone...and who is in the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame...is also an accomplished organist.
I think of the joke where a preacher of a small country church went to
visit the home of the elderly lady who was the church organist. During
the week, as he stopped by, she greeted him, and went into the kitchen
to get some refreshments made for them.
As he's sitting there, he notices a small bowl of water sitting on the
organ, and in it is a condom.
He's embarrassed, and doesn't want to say anything. But, finally
curiosity gets the best of him (we know what it did to the cat <G>),
and he asks her what it was.
She said "Well, I was out walking one day, and I found this packet
on the ground. It said "keep wet, put on organ, and it helps prevent disease"...then she added "I haven't been sick in several years!!".
The preacher fainted dead away. <BG>
... Why is it hot in the corner of a room? Because a corner is 90 degrees.
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