Old man and Metal in SLC
Patch@954:895/49 to
All on Wed Oct 11 10:03:33 2023
Recently I've reacquainted myself with going to concerts, something that I hadn't done since the early 2k's or previously. Memory escapes me on the actual timeline, but let's just say that it's been a hella long time.
Went to go see some bands most recently, it was a seriously great time I have to admit. One of the things that made me chuckle though, was the reaction of the parking attendant in downtown Salt Lake City.
As I was processing for a parking permit, the attendant apparently wasn't aware what was happening that night, and asked me about it. I looked at her and said it was a music concert located about two blocks South of where they were.
Her: "Oh, what kind of music?"
Me: "metal"
Her: "I'm sorry...what?"
I repeat my answer and give her a slight grin
Her: "To each their own, I guess"
Why was it surprising to her that a "seasoned human being" likes metal music? Sorry but Lawrence Welk died a while ago, and I personally ban Hee Haw too.
As I was leaving I swear I heard banjo's.
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