I'd like to say welcome aboard to our newest member, Crewmate of Crewmate's Test Lab BBS.
He's taken node number 1337:3/153, the board is still in development, and is located in Kansas, US.
Thanks for joining team tqwNet Crewmate =)
|14Best regards,
|11Ch|03rist|11ia|15n |11a|03ka |11Me|03aTLoT|11io|15N
|07ÄÄ |08[|10eml|08] |
15ml@erb.pw |07ÄÄ |08[|10web|08] |15www.erb.pw |07ÄÄÄ¿ |07ÄÄ |08[|09fsx|08] |1521:1/158 |07ÄÄ |08[|11tqw|08] |151337:1/101 |07ÂÄÄÙ |07ÄÄ |08[|12rtn|08] |1580:774/81 |07ÄÂ |08[|14fdn|08] |152:250/5 |07ÄÄÄÙ
|07ÄÄ |08[|10ark|08] |1510:104/2 |07ÄÙ
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2020/12/04 (Linux/64)
* Origin: thE qUAntUm wOrmhOlE, rAmsgAtE, uK. bbs.erb.pw (1337:1/101)