On 30 Oct 2020, Bob Roberts said the following...
Anyone have any good weekend plans?
- I hosted and streamed on YouTube and Twitch my weekly MRC "MeaTuP"
- I had my daughter come over and we played games;
- She was detective and I had to leave clues around the house
- We played "Connect four" or it's cheaper alternative "Four in a row"
- I made dinner for me and my daughter
- We watched the rain pouring outside
- I purchased a card and a few presents for my daughter's mum's birthday
- I took my daughter home to her mum's
- I played some more of my newest game "Teardown" and managed to get past
the level that's been denying me for 3 days solid
That's about all I did this weekend just gone.
Here are mine:
- Watch the new epsiode of The Mandalorian
Nice! I want to watch that too, but I will wait until a few episodes are available and then download them to watch offline.
- Watch the new Borat movie
I don't really like Borat, the first one I thought was bad generally and I had no intention of watching the second.
- Watch Rebecca on Netflix
Not heard of this, will look it up
- Start (And probably finish) season 2 of Star Trek Discovery
I watched Season 1, right up to the end, thought it was terribly slow to begin with, got quite interesting and even fun towards the end.
Season 2 first episode didn't hold my concentration though so I have only seen maybe half of the first episode.
- Order Korean food for takeout one day
That sounds yummy
- Order Mexican food for takeout another day
That sounds yummy also
- Clean my kitchen up a bit
- Read the Echos several times a day hoping there is something new
That's a great idea.
Hope y'all have a great week too.
|14Best regards,
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