• Blood tests can predict the risk of live

    From ScienceDaily@1337:3/111 to All on Thu Jul 2 21:35:30 2020
    Blood tests can predict the risk of liver cirrhosis

    July 2, 2020
    Karolinska Institutet
    Repeated measurements of the biomarker FIB-4 in the blood every
    few years can predict the risk of developing severe liver disease,
    according to a new study. The risk of liver cirrhosis increases
    if the levels of this biomarker rise between two testing occasions.

    FULL STORY ========================================================================== Repeated measurements of the biomarker FIB-4 in the blood every few years
    can predict the risk of developing severe liver disease, according to a
    new study from Karolinska Institutet in Sweden published in the Journal
    of Hepatology.

    The risk of liver cirrhosis increases if the levels of this biomarker
    rise between two testing occasions.

    Fat accumulation in the liver is common and is often seen in people
    with obesity or diabetes. In the worst case, fatty liver can lead to
    cirrhosis or liver cancer. It is unusual for this to occur but in those affected, symptoms often only occur at a late stage when there is no
    available treatment.

    "It is difficult to predict the risk of cirrhosis, although you can get
    some guidance in using regular blood tests that measure liver damage,"
    says lead author Hannes Hagstrom, hepatologist at the Karolinska
    University Hospital and docent at Karolinska Institutet. "Therefore,
    we wanted to investigate whether what is known as the FIB-4 score can
    increase the accuracy of the identification of people at high risk, in particular with information from repeated measurements." The new study
    shows that repeated sampling and measurements of the FIB-4 score, rather
    than measuring FIB-4 on one sole occasion, can increase the prediction
    of future liver cirrhosis. The researchers used the AMORIS cohort that
    contains laboratory test data in a very large population, surveyed
    between 1985 and 1996. More than 40,000 people had blood test data for
    FIB-4 from several sampling occasions. They were followed in national
    registers to identify those who developed cirrhosis after up to 27 years.

    The main finding was that the risk increases in people where the FIB-4
    score rises between two testing occasions and decreases when it falls. In
    this way, almost half of those who were later affected by cirrhosis
    could be identified.

    One problem, however, was that the accuracy was relatively low, with a
    risk of false positive tests.

    The study also established that it took a long time to develop cirrhosis,
    and that it may be enough to recalculate the FIB-4 score at intervals
    of several years.

    "We show that this biomarker is useful for identifying people in
    primary care with an increased risk of cirrhosis who may need to be
    more carefully investigated and to exclude people who do not need this,"
    says Dr Hagstrom.

    "But the method needs to be further developed to reduce the risk of
    false positive findings, which can lead to unnecessary examinations in
    healthy people."

    ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by Karolinska_Institutet. Note: Content
    may be edited for style and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Hannes Hagstro"m, Mats Talba"ck, Anna Andreasson, Go"ran Walldius,
    Hammar. Repeated FIB-4 measurements can help identify individuals
    at risk of severe liver disease. Journal of Hepatology, 2020; DOI:
    10.1016/ j.jhep.2020.06.007 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/07/200702113722.htm

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